Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Using a clicker- The four P's

    3. Management

    4. What you will need

    1. Socialisation

    2. Toilet Training

    3. Crates

    4. Biting

    1. Auto Engagement & Name Recognition

    2. Collar & Harness

    3. Targeting 1- Touch

    4. Four on the floor

    5. Trouble Spotter 1

    6. Bonus - Auto Engagement out & about

    1. Mat level 1

    2. Drop it - 1

    3. Paws Up - 1

    4. Leash work 1 -Using the leash & Drunk walking

    5. Zen level 1

    6. Trouble Spotter 2

    7. Bonus - Loose Leash -cone game

    1. Sit - 1

    2. Paw Up - -Handling

    3. Mat 2 - Up a level

    4. Dental care

    5. Touch - Distance

    6. Trouble spotter 3

    7. Bonus - Loose & Baggy

    1. Zen - level 2

    2. Paws up - Drying & Brushing

    3. Drop it - level 2

    4. Sit - Duration

    5. Leash work 2 - Parking the leash

    6. Trouble Spotter 4

About this course

  • £45.00
  • 51 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today